Monday, September 21, 2009


I was just sitting here watching t.v. when I realized that today is my engage-aversary.  Two years!  Can you believe that?  Gosh, it seems like I've been engaged for forever but this is the last engage-aversary that I'll be celebrating.  Next year at this time I will be  married for 2 months!

I remember my outfit, hairstyle, and shoes.  I remember the chilliness in the air as we watched the water.  And funniest of all, I remember dropping down to my knees with Mr. Golden as he asked me to be his wife because they were just too weak to hold me up.

Oh, and let me not forget making an account on The Knot and seeing my wedding countdown in the 900's.  I sit here and smile as I think about how it seemed like it all happened yesterday.  Now in just ten months I'll be walking down the aisle, and even better- in 7 months we should be moving into our new home (fingers crossed on the details and a whole other blog post to talk about!)



Blogger My Dream Ring said...

Happy E-versary!

September 22, 2009 at 5:18 AM  

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