Friday, July 17, 2009

The Good News Is That There's No Bad News!

I wish I had some interesting stuff to share about the wedding, but quite honestly, there's just not that much going on right now! I know I have yet to share the engagement pictures and I promise those are coming soon. There's a lot of stuff happening in other aspects of my life, and I can't wait to reveal the exciting news about that {nope I'm not preggers! lol}. But I promise all will come in due time!

In all honesty, this is exactly how I envisioned this year going in terms of the wedding because I put the majority of the plans together last year. Even more importantly, having this down time in planning the wedding has allotted me so much more time to focus on all the other things going on around me.

There has been talk about the bridal shower theme and rehearsal dinner location- all which deserve posts of their own so bear with me as I try to bring the life back to this blog! Have a great weekend! :)


Monday, July 6, 2009

7/7 A day of Remembrance

Today is a bit of a sad day for me. It is the four year mark of my great grandmother's passing. I definitely think about her more and more as the wedding day steadily approaches. I would have loved for her to have seen Mr. Golden and I get married being that I am the first one out of all the great grandchildren to make that step. But it would be unfair for me to wish such a thing because if she were still here, I'm sure she'd be suffering and I'd like to think that she is in a much better place.

I thought it would be easier to write this post after four years, but it's not. The only way I find solace is knowing that she met and approved of Mr. Golden when she was still here. One of my all time favorite memories of her with Mr. Golden and I was at a family BBQ back in 2004:

I was irritating my mom {something I do frequently} and my mother jokingly said to Mr.Golden along the lines of, "Handle my light work, get her away from me." Him being 6'3 and me being 5'2, he turned around and picked me up over his shoulder. My great grandmother was sitting in the chair all along, and said in those old-lady voices, "Oooh chile, I sure hope he don't be beating on you."

Everybody starting cracking up. It was her funny, outlandish comments and witty personality that made everyone in her presence fall in love with her. She is truly missed, but will always be remembered and remain apart of us in our hearts and memories.

RIP great grandma: the only one who used to play Old Maid with me and allow me to win almost every time!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Graphic Designer: Check!

My search for a graphic designer to design and process my wedding invitations went ever so smooth. Not only are they halfway paid for, but the stationer is going to start on the custom design concept this week. The printing production won't start until the beginning of next year because 1) I don't have the room to store them, and 2) I don't want the paper to fade or experience any other horrific ordeals.

I decided on thermography style printing. I absolutely love the way the raised lettering and images feel and the glossy look to it. The image below shows an example of how thermography printing looks, but the picture doesn't really do it justice.

*This is not the design or company I'm working with.

source: One Wed

I didn't totally escape the diy process of invites, I will still have to assemble them and package them up {which is nothing is comparison to what I was going to do before}. I've also been toying with the thought of calligraphy, but as of now, pretty lables sound like a great plan.

In the meantime, I'm embarrased to admit that I have yet to start collecting people's addresses for the guest list. I don't know what I'm waiting for, but this something I need to start on ASAP.
