Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Signature Drink

We have decided to go with a signature drink because they are super sexy, fun, and well, um we just like alcohol!

I have some major requirements though. If it's going to be done, it has to be done right. Vibe with me as I take you through my signature drink vision:

I'm seeing margarita glasses with the rims dipped in salt {although I would prefer sugar} like so:

But the color has to be just right. It's only fitting that it be gold:

Tres Hermanos

To top off the look, I want white crystal rock candy sticks to be used as a stirrer like so:

Cocktail napkins would finalize the whole look. I could probably buy some pre-printed:
And then have some customized: {how funny, "M" is going to be my married name!}

Any thoughts? Is anyone else having a signature drink?



Blogger AmyJean {Relentless Bride®} said...

I totally wanted signature drinks... and FH said, he didn't think his friends would be into it... so i suggested maybe just for cocktail hour... he then said "do you really want my friends mixing alcohol?" ... i'm wondering if i can still create an option for those who want them... lol! Obviously... i'm the idealistic one, and he's the practical one :)

December 16, 2008 at 11:08 AM  
Blogger Nicole Scott-Tate said...

Signature drinks are great. The candy is great too, but if you use it as a stirrer, the sugar may change the taste of the drink. Why don't you use the candy as a favor instead? Just a suggestion.

December 17, 2008 at 7:55 PM  

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